Accommodation is provided on a half-board basis with the first meal provided on Sunday evening. The final meal provided will be breakfast on Friday morning. Any money taken will be needed to buy lunch each day. We recommend approximately £100-150 to convert into Euros. Although students can take more if they wish to buy souvenirs.
It is advisable that students take a small amount of Sterling for the outward and return journeys.
Accommodation is provided on a half-board basis with the first meal provided on Sunday evening. The final meal provided will be breakfast on Friday morning. Any money taken will be needed to buy lunch each day. We recommend approximately £100-150 to convert into Euros. Although students can take more if they wish to buy souvenirs.
It is advisable that students take a small amount of Sterling for the outward and return journeys.
As students are representing the College, we expect the highest standard of behaviour. This includes NO alcohol or smoking.
DelaysIn the event of any delays on our return to Darlington we will contact you to let you know.
Health Care
Any medication required by students MUST be labelled, placed in a clear plastic bag and given to a member of staff on departure from College.
Emergency Contacts
Miss L Collins - (+44) 7970863621
NST - 0845 688 8988